From a young age, I was privileged with the company and influence of children with special needs. My mother is a Neuropsychologist, and over the years she has developed a treatment for brain disorders. The science is sound, and based around brain plasticity. Brain plasticity basically means that the brain has the ability to heal itself from bad communicators (which is the source of most, if not all, mental disorders, like autism, alzheimer’s, depression etc.). However, unlike physical injuries like cuts or broken bones, the brain will not do this on its own. What you can do for these bad communicators is to stimulate parts of the brain that will, over time, mend the problem. This stimulation happens with simple exercises and games done a few times a day, paired with other enjoyable stimuli. Obviously, I’ve simplified things a bit; the science is more complex, and I could never explain it as well as my mother does (if you’d like to know more, go right to the source @ But as I have grown up around this treatment, and seen countless miracles spring from its application, the idea that the human body can and should be able to fix any problem, given the right environment, has become second nature to me.
So why is it, as the decades tick by, we as North Americans seem to be getting sicker instead of healthier? We definitely have more information readily available to us. Everyone seems to be an expert on something, yet somehow things just keep mysteriously getting worse. Without dipping into conspiracy theories or making outlandish claims, I have to say I believe a lot of the information that is pushed onto us is influenced by the big money earners. How do we sift through it all, and figure out what is true and what isn’t? What is helpful and what is harmful? For me, because of my early exposure to my mother’s work, I’ve found that anything made to help the body return to its original state of proper function, of being strong enough to fend for itself, is worth looking into. First, though, we have to know what that original state even looks like - or better yet, figure out the chemistry of a healthy body, much like my mother looks at the chemistry of a healthy brain.
Having done my research as I looked for answers, I found a general consensus that chronic diseases come from the same root cause: too much acidity in the body. The two opposites that have been affecting my life, directly and indirectly, were these: Sickness/Health, Acidity/Alkalinity. We know that when babies are born, they are mostly alkaline. When we die, we are mostly acidic. Studies show that cancer cannot grow in an alkaline environment; this is not new information. In fact, the alkaline diet has been around for some time now (though if you have ever tried to eat an alkaline diet, you’ll know just how much fun that is). There is so much focus on diet in our culture, everyone yelling over top one another, “This is good for you! This is bad! And this, well this is REALLY bad!”
But not all human bodies are the same. I do agree that we should be mindful of what we eat, and try to be educated about the things we put into our bodies - but I’ve come to realize this is not the whole picture. There are more pieces to the puzzle.
Biggest puzzle piece I found: looking at the composition of the body, the biggest component is water. The average human being is made of about 72% water. Doesn’t it make sense that the water we put into our bodies might just have an impact on the health of our insides? Maybe there’s a pattern there that is linked to the drastic rise of chronic disease.
So I decided to do my own research.
That was when I found something called Kangen Water. It originated in Japan, where it’s a regular household name. The word “Kangen” means “Return to origin” which piqued my interest. Enagic (The company that brought Kangen Water to Japan, and then all over the world) claimed their water could take plain old house tap water, and restructure it into alkaline, mineral rich water with powerful anti-oxidant properties. It was also supposed to shrink the water clusters, allowing your cells to absorb its purest form and push out toxins at a rapid rate. After a lot of scary research (and a list of what is generally found in tap water – seriously, research that only if you’re very brave), I was convinced to give it a test run. My family and I committed to trying it out.
Results: I lost 14 pounds (weight I had been trying - and failing - to lose for about three years) in the first sixty days, and I started seeing actual results at the gym for the first time ever; my energy went up – way up; better digestion; and the back pain I had struggled with for years disappeared. And that was just me. I was pretty healthy already – minor complaints, really, in the grand scheme of things. My family also had incredible benefits from simply drinking water in its purest form.
I just wanted to share that with someone. Anyone. It makes sense to me in the same way my mother’s life work makes sense to me – personal health struggles don’t always need to be a life sentence. Sometimes the answer is a lot simpler than we think. Now, I’m spending as much time as I can sharing what I’ve found with those who need it (no research is for nothing, right?). I didn’t even fully understand the potential of water like this when I started circulating it to friends and family, but the stories I’ve since accumulated from them have literally brought tears to my eyes.
So, this is my new life! When I’m not with my family, I’m out here in the trenches, one of those voices reaching over top of everyone else to say “No, this is good! REALLY good!” Only I’m not going to yell it. I don’t really think I need to. Everyone drinks water, no one drinks healthy water – and you know what, it is bad. Everyone needs this in their homes, they just do.
And they will, when I’m finished!
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